Worshipping God in the Beauty of His Holiness
With the Voice of Triumph
Every Man in all Wisdom
Songs and Melodies unto the Lord
The Truth to all Generations
The Lord with Gladness
To Earnestly Contend for the Faith
In the Hope of the Glory of God
Welcome! We trust our website will be a blessing and a means of strength for your faith. We aim to provide you and your family with a spiritual online experience that can Instruct, Inspire, and Encourage you in your walk with the Lord. From our live stream services, our YouTube channel, and our calendar of events our aspiration as a church body is to Elevate the Saviour, Edify the Saint, Evangelize the Sinner, and Exalt the Father. So, Welcome to Pleasant View Online!
The Pleasant View Baptist Church is blessed to
have Sunday School teachers who have studied, prayed and prepared a lesson from the Bible to teach to their class. These classes range in ages from children, teens, young adults, middle aged to the senior adults. The Sunday School hour starts promptly at 10:00 AM with an open assembly.
Pleasant View Baptist School—The Pleasant View Baptist School was established in August of 1999. The school began as a burden that Pastor Massengale had to aid the parents of the Pleasant View Baptist Church in educating their children. The staff of PVBS has a great desire to see young people fulfill their potential as they seek the will of God for their future. They are continually moving forward to provide a quality education that will equip young people academically to be successful and prepared to spiritually serve their generation with the gospel.
Hope Through Truth—Hope Through Truth is the outreach branch of our ministry and encompasses all the endeavors of our church in reaching people with the gospel. This includes the Hope Academy, Bluegrass Challenge Academy, our various prison ministries, and our community outreaches. We believe the hope for anyone and everyone is found in the truth of the gospel of Christ and based on John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
World Missions—Jesus gave the great commission to the church in Mark 16:15, to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Our church takes seriously the responsibility to support those who are called by God to take the gospel around the world, both financially and with our prayers.
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