Independence Day Picnic - Saturday, July 6th

Schedule of events: 

2:00 Let the fun begin! - Bounce Houses will open

2:00 Little kid's softball game

5:00 - Eating under the pavilion

9:00 (apprx) - Fireworks show begins!

There will be two water bounce houses. One will be a  castle/slide bounce house that is reserved for 1st grade and down. The larger slide bounce house is reserved for Kindergarten age and up. 

What to bring:

  • Lawn chairs
  • Drinks for your family in a cooler
  • A side dish and dessert for each household. Larger families please bring more
  • Sunscreen
  • Softball equipment
  • Beach towels and a change of clothes for the bounce houses
  • Riding toys/bicycles for the children
  • Instruments to play under the pavilion
  • If you have an ice cream churn and would like to help Mrs. Latham and Mrs. Crawford in making home-made ice cream for everyone, please bring your churn with your ice cream ingredients. Please let Charity Latham know if you are bringing a churn. 


  • The church picnic and activities are for members of the Pleasant View Baptist Church. If you would like to invite guests to the fireworks show and singing beforehand that is perfectly fine but the Pastor has asked that the picnic and activities be limited to members only. 
  • All of the food will be under the pavilion this year.  When you arrive, there will be a refrigerator and two warmers set up under the pavilion if your food needs to stay refrigerated or warmed. After dropping off your food you will then need to immediately move your vehicle to the parking lot across the road. 
  • The parking spaces along the side of the church and gym are reserved for our elderly guests and members.
  • There is ice available in the kitchen for coolers but in years past we have ran out quick! You may want to purchase ice, just in case. 
  • Some of the Mom's of babies would like for people to bring small baby pools for the tiny tots, if you have one. 
  • We will need a lot of help cleaning up after the fireworks. Everyone, PLEASE make plans to stay and help. Several of the young couples will be assigned to be in charge of overseeing clean-up in certain areas but they will need help cleaning those areas. 
  • The church sanctuary will already be cleaned for Sunday. No one is to enter the sanctuary for any reason.
  • Bathroom facilities will be available in the pavilion and gymnasium. The church nursery will be available for mothers with infants. Please instruct your older children not to be in the nursery.

If you are planning to give money toward the fireworks or bounce houses, we ask that you put your contribution in a tithing envelope and drop it in the box outside of the kitchen or in the offering plate. Please designate the amount for each activity on the envelope. 

We look forward to a safe and fun Independence Day Picnic!